Why use Crimer?
Crimer’s cutting-edge machine learning algorithms put it at the forefront of the crime prediction market. Crimer’s powerful prediction platform accurately assesses the risk of crime happening at any given location and time.
Work Smarter, Not Harder
On average, patrol officers are idle for 70% of their shifts.1Famega 2005, p. 394.1 Through Crimer's patent pending crime prediction system, police departments can better assign their officers when and where they’re needed the most.
Risk Reduction
Crime presence introduces risks to health, profits, and reputation. Crimer minimizes these risks by providing organizations with real-time crime prediction.
Open Source Technology
Crimer’s vision includes making all of its core services as free and as open source as possible. Organizations can use CrimeRadar as a no-cost drop-in replacement while integrating their existing system with Crimer's API.
Developer-Friendly API
Crimer offers a 99% uptime API service that provides forecasts for your area based on your specifications. Crimer's world-class documentation will make it easy to get started with its robust API.
National Coverage
Crimer’s service is not locked to a limited range of locations. Several of Crimer’s subscription packages includes access to crime predictions across the entire United States.
The Whole Shebang
Crimer doesn’t rely on police data, so clients can begin utilizing its cutting edge-prediction platform immediately. By compiling data from a variety of sources, Crimer offers a more complete picture of a crime incident than a single report can provide.